The answer is: not much! Mostly, I've been trying to keep warm - it probably wasn't a good idea to go to Brisbane and return to cool weather. I have knitted some articles for my granddaughters - it's been perfect knitting weather - but I haven't got good photos of them yet. I might have to go around with my camera and do a 'fashion shoot' of them wearing their winter woollies.
I also participated in a 'Round Robin' fabric postcard swap. Unfortunately, I forgot to photograph my postcard before I sent it off and I haven't received one yet either.
I've also started lots of projects, most of which I've put aside for one reason or another, but I have finished this silk cushion:
It is made out of hand-painted silk twill and machine quilted with a dark blue embroidery thread (for the square grid) and gold thread for the diagonal grid. I'm not sure if the fabric is really robust enough for cushions but I love the bright colours that are possible in hand-painted silk.
new year, new goals
11 months ago