Christmas disappeared in a bit of a blur for us but at least the flood waters subsided.
Although we were left with a pile of stuff to sort out. It had all been stored in the garage and now the time has come to find new homes for all of it.
Fortunately, very little was damaged but sorting through the bags and boxes was a trip down memory lane. I found my wedding dress (yes, I crocheted it - it was the 70s) - and found it hard to believe that I was ever that slim.
I crocheted this baby shawl when I was pregnant with my first son, most of it was done during the many long weeks I spent in hospital before his birth.
And my wonderful sister, Maureen, knitted this baby jacket. Maureen's husband was very ill at this time but I think she liked having some knitting to do while she spent time with him at hospital.
new year, new goals
10 months ago